Accessing and browsing the website implies the express and full acceptance of each and every one of these general conditions, including the Privacy and Cookies Policy, regarding the purposes of the processing of the data provided to us. Please, we recommend that you read it carefully. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, access to the information shown on the portal pages is completely free of charge.
In this Legal Notice you will find information about:
Legal Identification.
General Conditions of Use.
General Obligations of the User.
User participation in different sections and tools: Blogs and Comments.
Intellectual and industrial property.
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the owner of, are
77 Núñez de Balboa Street
28006 Madrid (Spain)
CIF: G-84862192
Registered in the Registry of Foundations under No. 28/1.423
If you have any doubts or queries, please contact us by telephone on 914323890 or by e-mail at
Access to implies the express acceptance by the User of these conditions of the Legal Notice, which may be modified or replaced by the CINDE Foundation at any time and without prior notice.
The following General Conditions regulate the use and access to the web portal, whose purpose is to be a gateway that offers users information, services and content via the web.
Every user with access to this web, must accept the present General Conditions, understanding the use of the web as an acceptance of the same ones.
Likewise, those pages, owned by third parties, which can be accessed through links and which present other general conditions, must also be accepted.
The user agrees to make appropriate use of the content, services, news, blogs, which are accessible on, subject to the Law and these General Conditions of Use, respecting at all times other users of the same.
In case of total or partial breach of these conditions, CINDE Foundation reserves the right to deny access to without prior notice to the user.
CINDE Foundation will adopt all the measures within its reach to prevent any kind of behaviour contrary to Spanish Laws and will cooperate with the competent authorities in identifying the subjects responsible for the actions that may imply a violation of the laws applicable to this website.
The user, by accepting these General Conditions of Use, expressly agrees to
Not to carry out any action intended to damage, block, harm, disable, overload, temporarily or permanently, the functionalities, tools, contents and/or the infrastructure of the website, in such a way as to prevent its normal use.
Not to introduce or carry out injurious or slanderous contents, either from other users or from third parties not related to CINDE Foundation.
Not to use any of the materials and information contained in this web site for illicit purposes and expressly prohibited in these General Conditions of Use, and which are contrary to the rights and interests of the CINDE Foundation, its users and/or third parties.
The user shall be liable for all the damages of any kind that the CINDE Foundation or any third party may suffer as a consequence of the non-fulfilment of any of the obligations to which they are subject by virtue of this «Legal Notice» or the law in relation to the access and/or use of the page
The user can actively participate in certain sections and tools made available by the CINDE Foundation in, such as inserting comments in blogs and news.
In order to participate in the Blogs, the user must identify himself/herself, undertaking that any information or opinion he/she introduces will be in accordance with the Law, morality and public order, refraining from making comments that are contrary to the rules of Internet etiquette.
CINDE Foundation, through its administrators, reserves the right to edit or delete any message, or prevent access to the Blogs to the user who does not comply with the rules of use of these tools without prior notice. Such non-publication may not be considered at any time or for any reason as a limitation of the fundamental right to freedom of expression of the user.
By way of illustration, and in no case limited or exclusive, the user of the Blogs of, expressly agrees to
Not to introduce or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, or that defends terrorism or that infringes upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals; and in general, that contravenes the principles of legality, responsibility, protection of human dignity and the protection of minors.
Do not introduce or use the Blogs to carry out offenses, insults, provocations, personal disqualifications or introduce content with an improper or inappropriate language, whether such content is directed to a participant or not. Likewise, no complaints or accusations of any kind may be made.
Not to introduce or spread advertising or commercial and/or promotional offers from third party companies not belonging to CINDE Foundation. Likewise, the users of the Blogs are not authorized to introduce chains of messages, congratulations or messages that have no relation whatsoever with the content of the Blog/News.
Do not introduce or spread viruses or harmful software that may cause damage to computer systems.
Do not introduce content protected (among others, images, sounds, photographs, videos, texts, documents) by copyright and industrial property (among others; trademarks, trade names, graphic symbols) without the express permission of their respective owners or holders of rights.
The user acknowledges and accepts that any comment and/or opinion that he/she expresses and is published, will be of his/her exclusive responsibility to all effects. In this sense, the user will be directly responsible for the damages caused to third parties derived from the use of the Blog, as well as for the damages caused by the lack of legality, truthfulness, accuracy, morality and for all information and opinions provided or made accessible to other users and/or visitors of
The web site, the pages it comprises and the information or elements contained in it (including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, among others), as well as logos, brands or other distinctive signs, are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which CINDE Foundation is the owner or holds authorization for the exploitation of them by the legitimate owners.
The user is obliged to use the contents in a diligent and correct way, according to the law, morality and public order.
CINDE Foundation authorizes the user to visualize the information contained in this website, as well as to make private reproductions (simple downloading and storage in its computer systems), provided that the elements are only for personal use or for purposes previously authorized by CINDE Foundation.
The user is not authorized to proceed with the distribution, modification, cession or public communication of the information contained in this website in any form and for any purpose.
6.- LINKS.
Links to third party websites or pages have been established solely as a convenience for the user. CINDE Foundation is not, in any case, responsible for them or their content.
CINDE Foundation does not assume any responsibility derived from the existence of links between the contents of this site and contents located outside it or any other mention of contents external to this site. Such links or mentions have an exclusively informative purpose and, in no case, imply the support, approval or relationship between CINDE Foundation and the persons or entities author and/or managing such contents or owners of the sites where they are located.
In order to create links with the web page the express written authorization of CINDE Foundation will be required.
CINDE Foundation does not guarantee the continuous access, nor the correct visualization, downloading or use of the elements and information contained in the pages of the web site which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances out of its control or beyond its control, nor those produced by the existence of computer viruses on the Internet.
CINDE Foundation does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses produced by:
Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in the telecommunication lines and networks or by any other cause beyond the control of the CINDE Foundation.
Unlawful interference through the use of malicious programs of any kind and by any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other.
Improper or inappropriate use of the website
Security or navigation errors produced by a malfunctioning browser or by the use of non-updated versions.
In case of controversy or conflict that may arise from the interpretation or enforcement of this Legal Notice, they will be resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain.
If any clause or section of these General Conditions, which is not of an essential nature for the existence of the same, is declared null and void or inapplicable, the validity of the remaining clauses will not be affected.
Donations made through any of the available methods (bank transfer, direct debit or payment through virtual POS) are irrevocable.